
As a wholesale manufacturer, Tilton’s streamlined production, assembly and delivery processes rely on structured efficiency. Walk-in requests (i.e. visits made without appointment for the sake of purchases, servicing, pick-ups or solicitation of products or services) will not get priority and may not be honored. Any on-site requests must be preceded by making an appointment with the correct Tilton employee.

For general inquiries, questions, comments, or other contact needs not addressed by one of the sections of our website, please use the following information to have your question routed to best person or department.

Mailing Address:
Tilton Engineering
25 Easy Street
Buellton, CA 93427

Telephone: +1 805.688.2353     |     Fax: +1 805.688.2745

If you need to send your product for repair, please see the Service page.

For any Sales questions, please contact us at [email protected], or use the form below.

If you have a technical question that is not addressed by the
Installation Instructions or Installation Drawings, contact Tilton’s technical support at [email protected]. Please provide as many details as possible about your question.